LASIK Limitations
LASIK Vision Correction has Some Limitations
Laser Vision Correction is an excellent procedure, but it is not perfect. If you have reasonable expections, you will find Laser Vision Correction to be one of the most valuable gifts that you will ever give to yourself. However, not all patients I’ve Lasered are 100% satisfied with their Laser Vision Correction results.
I would summarize the limitations of LASIK as follows: Laser Vision Correction is a powerful tool. When used correctly on properly selected Laser Vision candidates, Laser Vision Correction will, with very high probability, allow you to function without glasses or contacts. In my opinion, Laser Vision Correction is wonderful, but it is not perfect and does have limitations.
- Your uncorrected vision after LASIK may not be quite as sharp as your corrected vision was prior to LASIK. There is a 5% chance that you will need to wear a mild glasses or contact prescription to “fine tune” your distance vision after LASIK.
- There is a 7% incidence of retreatment after LASIK. I need to wait approximately two to three months after the initial procedure before retreating. I want to be sure that the patients vision has stabilized before I retreat. This waiting period can be frustrating for patients, because they may need to wear a mild glasses correction during this period. I give the patients lenses at no charge, to wear, if needed, during this period so that they can see to function. Retreatments are painless, very safe, and less than 2% of patients have needed a second retreatment in my practice. There are no additional charges for retreatments.
- Glare after LASIK can be annoying, but it has not been visually significant. Patients may notice glare around lights and rays coming off of lights at night. Most patients say that the glare is no worse than they experienced with their contact lenses or glasses. The glare diminishes over time, usually within three to six months.
- Patients over forty years of age must adapt to their age-related loss of close vision. They must either wear reading glasses for near and possibly computer distance or they will have to adapt to Monovision. Monovision correction allows patients to see at near and far without correction, but they may need to wear mild glasses correction for night driving, or when they read, or work on the computer for extended periods of time.
- Dryness of the eyes is a very common after LASIK. It usually lasts for two to three months after LASIK, and resolves without further problem. The dryness is usually easily treated with lubricating eye drops.
- No matter how miraculous LASIK is, it still takes time to adjust to the change in vision after LASIK. When you get new glasses, it can take weeks to adapt to the new prescription. LASIK is like getting a marvelous new pair of glasses, but it can still takes weeks to adjust. Vision may fluctuate mildly for two to three months after LASIK.
The Ability to See
Is a Miraculous Sense

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